Wild Camera Magazine (only german language)
No longer available
The wild camera magazine for explorers longing for knowledge
Our concentrated knowledge
As one of the leading German game camera brands, we have gained a lot of experience with the use of the little hunting helpers. We are in constant exchange with passionate customers and know their interests and questions. That's why we have made it our business to provide comprehensive information about game cameras and their use in this magazine. We are sure - no matter if you already have several game cameras in use or if you are a complete newbie - you will learn a lot in this magazine that you did not know before.
Type & Scope
Our game camera magazine offers you a wide range of topics on 52 pages in A4 format, from the legal regulations for use in different federal states, to security and camouflage, to a detailed battery and accumulator guide with numerous tips and tricks.
We deliver - illustrated by high-quality photos - bundled information for reference in a modern layout that makes the heart beat faster; haptic on paper to take anywhere. Become a game camera expert now!